NCEA Certified Professionals
This directory of NCEA Certified Professionals encompasses those who have authorized NCEA to publish their data by completing the PUBLICATION AUTHORIZATION form.
If you are a CONSUMER looking to find a NCEA Certified professional-NCEA Certified credential - Click on your state below to find contact information or search #NCEACertifiedEsthetician on your favorite social media network.
If you are a STATE BOARD/AGENCY OR EMPLOYER looking to verify an Esthetician’s credential – please request the candidate to provide the VERIFICATION OF CERTIFICATION form. The verification will be sealed and sent directly to the company/agency/state regulatory board requesting verification. No Exceptions.
PLEASE NOTE: No photocopy of the NCEA Certified credential should ever be accepted as verification by a state regulatory board, employer, or any other entity. NCEA accepts no responsibility for an individual that the NCEA has not correctly verified.